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Keith Keller’s top 5 tips for how to get the best out of Twitter as a business marketing tool
Be a resource not a salesperson. Twitter is about sharing information and resources NOT selling ‘stuff’. This may sound counter-intuitive but it is the essence of Social Media marketing.
Write a strong bio that will inspire potential clients and joint venture partners to follow you.
Add a photo or company graphic. There is significant evidence to prove that people who do this get more followers and retweets
Remember the 80/20 Rule – It’s not all about you. 4 out of 5 tweets should be of value to your followers and not sales related. Only 1 out of every 5 tweets (minimum) should be a sales related message. 1 out of 10 however is a far better ratio if you can manage it.
SHARE – SHARE –SHARE (This is Twitter101). Share great articles and interact with your followers…this is the essence of how Twitter works.
For more information on Keith Keller’s Twitter Intensive and his work as “The Personal Trainer For Twitter” visit his website www.KeithKeller.com.au or follow Keith on Twitter www.Twitter.com/KeithKeller
Melbourne based “Twitter 4 Business Specialist” Keith Keller calls himself “The Personal Trainer 4 Twitter” and with over 30,000 followers, he is now considered amongst the top 1% of Twitter users in the world.
Like many social media enthusiasts, Keith turned to Twitter as a way of promoting his own services. In Keith’s case, it was his internet radio show, Career Success Radio, which at its height, was listened to in over 120 countries around the world.
Having seen the extraordinary branding power of Twitter, Keith has come to specialise in the platform and prides himself on his knowledge of how to get the best out of the site for marketing businesses locally and globally.
“Twitter in particular and Social Media in general is completely underutilised by Australian businesses, especially when compared to countries like the US and Canada. Businesses in those countries are using Social Media extensively to market their products and network with potential customers,” says Keith
“For many businesses there, it’s not a question of if they will engage with Social Media, it’s a question of when. It wasn’t that long ago that business was debating the value of a website, now almost all businesses have one. I now see the same thing happening with Social Media.”
Keith is a passionate advocate of Social Media and works with clients in the US and Canada as well as Australia to build their brands globally and position them as the resident experts in their niche.
Keith is now considered by many as a Twitter Specialist and his Twitter Intensive helps take the mystery out using it as a powerful tool for business marketing.
His regular tweets are testament to his excitement about sharing the latest information about Twitter and other Social Media platforms and he certainly has an ever growing list of success stories from around the world.